It seems these days that everyone is looking for new ways to stay healthy, with a particular focus on immunity. Your immune system is a complex web of immune cells, signaling molecules, and chemical reactions that protect your body from invading particles and keep you safe from potential harm.
Like every other system in your body, however, your immune system requires a little TLC to keep it working optimally. This is where nutrition can make a huge difference.
One of the often forgotten benefits of collagen is its impact on your immune system. Due to its unique structure and blend of amino acids, collagen not only supports the integrity of vital organs involved in immunity but can enhance the function of specific immunosuppressive pathways.
In this article, you'll learn:
- How your immune system works
- How the collagen in your gut protects you from foreign invaders
- The amino acids in collagen that play a crucial role in immunity
- How collagen impacts vital immune functions like inflammation and oxidation