MCTs are a type of fatty acid known as medium-chain triglycerides. While long-chain triglycerides are much more abundant in our food supply, MCTs can be found in foods like coconut oil, palm oil, and some dairy products.
The primary difference between medium-chain fatty acids and long-chain fatty acids is how they’re absorbed and utilized by your body.
While long-chain fatty acids have to take a trip through your lymphatic system before arriving at your liver to be converted to fuel or stored energy, MCTs get to skip the lymph and go straight to your liver. Here, they’re readily broken down and converted to fuel that you can use immediately (1).
Aside from their rapid absorption and breakdown, MCTs also provide several other benefits that can have a profound impact on your health. Research shows that metabolic health, in particular, is one area in which MCTs shine.
So, if you’re one who’s interested in maintaining a healthy weight, lean in close…
Because MCTs may just be the help you’ve been looking for.