Did you know that sugar is just as addictive as cocaine (1, 2)?
No wonder it’s a challenge to kick that nagging sweet tooth.
Sugar is literally designed to activate your brain’s pleasure and reward system—releasing opioids and dopamine—both of which provide you with a sense of euphoric bliss (3).
Let me take a moment to paint a picture of sugar’s complicated history…
Sugar addiction skyrocketed during the “fat-free” craze in the 1960s—a time in which Americans avoided fat like the plague and instead turned to sugary, processed foods in hopes of a leaner body (4).
However, once the fat-free enthusiasts began to see the detrimental (i.e. fattening) effects of sugar, zero-calorie artificial sweeteners were born.
Cue the following events…
The Big Food and Big Chemical industry take advantage of millions of misinformed Americans with artificial sweeteners and deceptive marketing tactics.
Processed breakfast cereals, diet sodas, and sugar-free candy hit store shelves.
Weight Watchers touts its low-cal diet plan.
Sound familiar?
If you’re reading this article, then odds are, these fluctuating health fads have left you feeling lost, frustrated, and downright discouraged.
It’s not your fault, though. The Big Food industry is very intentional (and manipulative) with the foods they manufacture.
Their process goes a little something like this: Pump products full of artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and GMOs. List ingredients by different, unrecognizable names that the average person can barely pronounce. And then slap “Sugar Free” or “May Prevent Heart Disease” on the label.