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When Dr. Chad, a Doctor of Physical Therapy based in Austin, Texas, started to see a recurring theme of pain, fatigue, and chronic disease running rampant across his patients, he knew there was something bigger at play. Something bigger going on beneath the surface.
As he sought out answers, NativePath was born. And with that, a path to better health was paved, with supplements that make it easy. At NativePath, we’re with you for the long haul—giving you everything you need to live native—or as close to nature as humanly possible.
Here are a few ways we’ve paved the Path for you…
Ingredients From Nature, Not a Laboratory: Each of our ingredients is sourced ethically, sustainably, and with your health in mind.
Uplifting Community: A community of over 1,000,000 people worldwide. And a Private Facebook Group of over 50,000 people where we share daily health tips, encouraging stories, and monthly health challenges.
Educational Resources: With offerings like paleo recipes, free courses, and the latest health news, so you can feel equipped and empowered to live a healthy lifestyle.
GMP-Certified: Each of our supplements is made in the USA and produced in a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Certified Facility.
Trustworthy Testing: No supplement leaves our warehouse without a Certificate of Analysis (COA).
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