5 Herbs That May Help Increase Collagen Production

Updated on August 6, 2024

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Are you struggling with low collagen production? There’s an herb (or 5) may help with that.

With more and more people turning to bandaid-type fixes, supplementing with natural remedies is a breath of fresh air—and a rewarding one at that.

In this article you’ll learn about 5 herbs that can help stimulate your collagen production. If you’re taking a collagen supplement already, these may be just what you need to maximize its effects.

5 Herbs that Enhance Collagen Production

Collagen is considered the glue that holds the body together—appearing in our muscles, bones, skin, blood vessels, digestive system, and tendons. Starting in your 20s, your natural collagen production begins to decline by 1% each year (1).

But don’t worry, you can help counteract this with a collagen supplement and these 5 collagen boosting herbs.

1. He Shou Wu

Close up of He Shou Wu plant

Dubbed the “elixir of life”, he shou wu is an herb with the scientific studies and thousands of years of testimonials to back it up.

Liver injury, cancer, insomnia, hypoglycemia, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and neurodegenerative diseases are just a few ailments it benefits.

The list of potential therapeutic traits is extensive—ranging from an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory to an anti-tumor and antidiabetic (2).

There have not been any clinical studies supporting a specific dosage of he sho wu. Because herbal products can differ considerably in terms of their concentration from batch to batch, always read directions and begin with a low dose.

  • It’s most commonly used at daily doses of nine to 15 grams of raw herb.
  • Doses of 560 milligrams in dried capsule form can be taken two to three times daily.
  • One teaspoon containing five grams of the root can be boiled in one cup of water for 15 minutes and then taken by mouth.
  • Creams or ointments can be applied to the affected area three to four times daily, although to be safe read dosage recommendations.

2. Calendula

Close up of the calendula plant

Calendula—a natural anti-inflammatory—acts like a bandaid for the body.

One of the traps that hinder collagen production is UV light (3, 4). And believe it or not, calendula counteracts UV light damage with its bright orange color.

Its color comes from vitamin A-related compounds called carotenoids, and these carotenoids inhibit the breakdown of collagen fibers (5). Thus, collagen is protected and calendula saves the day.

Calendula can also be used as a pain reliever, anti-diabetic, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory, among others.

It can also be used to potentially aid with the following:

  • Gastrointestinal
  • Gynecological
  • Eye disease
  • Skin injuries
  • Burns and wounds
  • Digestion 
  • Hypoglycemia 
  • High cholesterol

There are many ways to take calendula, including teas, extract, tincture, and ointment. Here are the daily dosage recommendations based on the type you take. 

  • Tea- 1 cup orally three times daily; 1-2 g dried flowers/8 oz of water
  • Liquid extract- 0.5-1 ml orally three times daily
  • Tincture (suspension of the herb in alcohol)- 0.3-1.2 ml orally three times daily
  • Ointment- Apply topically as needed

3. Nettles

Close up of the nettles plant

Nettles are like nature's multivitamin. And if you’ve even gone on a hike and brushed up against something that made your skin sting ever so slightly, then you’ve probably experienced nettles (or stinging nettle as it’s also called).

Despite the odd sensation it gives your skin, it has profound medicinal advantages.

One of which is the protection of collagen, which is due to its richness in calcium, silica, sulfur, and antioxidants.

Stinging nettle products come in dried or freeze-dried leaf form, extract, capsules, tablets, as well as a root tincture, juice or tea.

There is currently no recommended dose, because so many nettle products have varying amounts of active ingredients. Work with your doctor to determine the right dosage.

4. Gynostemma

Close up of gynostemma plant

Longevity? Check.

Increased energy? Check.

Gynostemma—an herb native to SouthEast Asia—has quite the combination of compounds that may play a part in stopping DNA from breaking down too quickly (6). No wonder it’s called the “herb of immortality”.

Another nickname—“ginseng on steroids”. Ginseng is already a popular herbal remedy, but gynostemma may be even better.

It comes down to the number of saponins each herb contains. Saponins are naturally occurring compounds that positively affect the immune system, and ginseng contains 28 of them while gynostemma contains a whopping 80 (7).

Looks like gynostemma and collagen may be a dynamic duo for supporting vibrant vitality.

How much gynostemma should you take? While there isn’t a standard dosage that experts recommend, a general recommendation for adults is to consume 6 grams of leaves per day (measured by dry weight). 

To make gynostemma tea, sleep the leaves in hot water for at least 10 minutes. If you’re using dried gynostemma powder, add 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon of powder per 8 oz of hot water, let it infuse for 15 minutes and then drink up to three times per day.

5. Horsetail

Close up of horsetail plant

Horsetail—don’t you just love the names people choose for herbs?

Despite its unappealing name, horsetail acts as a building block just like collagen.

Its high count in silica means that it can help support tendons, muscles, bones, skin, and the creation of blood vessels (8).

The appropriate horsetail dosage depends on several things, including a person’s age and health status. There is currently not enough conclusive research to indicate an appropriate recommended dosage. 

Many supplements contain 300 milligrams of dried extract per capsule and can typically be taken up to three times per day. Read product labels carefully for dosing information, and consult a medical professional.

The Bottom Line

These herbs are a great natural way to help boost your collagen production. Combine any of these herbs with 1-2 scoops of high-quality collagen peptides daily and you’ll be feeling (and looking) better in no time.

As always, be sure to consult a health care professional before adding anything new to your diet, supplement, or exercise regimen. NativePath and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any diseases. All NativePath material is presented for educational purposes only.

Dr. Chad Walding, DPT
Article by

Dr. Chad Walding, DPT

Dr. Chad Walding is the Co-Founder and Chief Culture Officer at NativePath. He is a Doctor of Physical Therapy with a passion for helping people eat, move, and live in harmony with their natural state.

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    Medical Disclaimer

    This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Chad Walding nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement, or lifestyle program.

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