5 Daily Habits to Get The Most Out of Your Supplements

June 17, 2024

If you're like most people, you probably have a trusty stash of supplements you rely on to keep your health in check. In fact, roughly 80% of adults in the United States. take some sort of supplement (1).  

Whether it's a multivitamin, krill oil, or protein powder, these little things can make a big difference. But did you know that just taking them may not be enough to reap their full benefits? There are a few underlying causes that may be slowing down the results you expect from your supplements. 

Don't worry; by tweaking a few daily habits, you can help your supplements work better. Imagine getting more out of every dose and feeling the difference in your energy, mood, and overall health. Sounds good, right?

In this blog, I'll share five daily habits that can make a big impact on not only how your supplements work, but also your overall health. 

What Role Do Supplements Play?

The first thing to understand about supplements is that there’s no magic pill that will undo any choices you made before starting your health journey (despite what some other supplement companies might claim). On top of that, supplements won’t give you a free pass to be inconsistent with your nutritional and exercise habits. 

Think of taking supplements as a way to tune up a well-running car. According to Dr. Keith Baar, the Head of Functional Molecular Biology at the University of California, Davis, “Supplements should account for 10 to 20% of your overall fitness and nutritional efforts.” 

So, while supplements aren’t everything, they certainly have a significant role to play when utilized correctly. They can provide additional nutrients when your diet might be lacking or when certain health conditions cause a deficiency.

5 Daily Habits to Get the Most Out of Your Supplements

So, if supplements only play 10-20% of your health journey, what about the other 80-90%? Well, don’t worry. Here are five things you can do to feel your best—and give your supplements a head start.

1. Eat Whole Real Foods

Whole foods are foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. They have no added sugars, chemical preservatives, or artificial ingredients. For example, wild-caught salmon would be considered a whole food, whereas a frozen fish stick would be considered ultra-processed.

Depending on the degree of processing, nutrients—especially fiber, B vitamins, and vitamin C—can be destroyed or removed (2). Although food manufacturers can add back some of the nutrients lost, it’s impossible to recreate the food in its natural form.

When you eat whole foods, you get the food intact with all of its vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Real, whole foods contain a wide variety of nutrients and they are often paired with other compounds that help your body use them efficiently. This means that the nutrients interact together like they were meant to, having a different overall effect on our body than the isolated actions of the individual vitamins, proteins, fats, etc., that make up the food (3). This concept is called “food synergy”.

Additionally, whole foods typically have more fiber than processed food. Fiber helps support healthy digestion. Good digestion is crucial for breaking down supplements and ensuring their nutrients are properly absorbed into your bloodstream. 

When you have a foundation of a healthy, well-rounded diet consisting of whole foods, it reduces the likelihood of nutrient deficiencies, meaning that your supplements can help to enhance your health rather than just trying to fill gaps in a poor diet.

Native Note: Many grocery stores are set up with fresh items on the outer ring and then the center aisles with the processed and ultraprocessed items. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store to find those whole, fresh fruits and vegetables, and healthy proteins.

2. Drink Plenty of Water

Your body is 55% to 65% water, so it makes sense that you need to drink enough water to keep it functioning (4). Unfortunately, about 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated (4). 

Staying well-hydrated is key to getting the most out of your supplements. Water helps transport nutrients throughout your body, ensuring that vitamins, minerals, and other supplements reach the cells and tissues that need them (5). 

Water doesn’t just help transport nutrients; it actually helps your body absorb them (5). For example, water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C and B vitamins need to be dissolved in water for your body to absorb them effectively.

Good hydration also supports your digestive health, helping to produce the enzymes and gastric juices necessary to break down food and supplements (5). This enhances nutrient absorption and ensures your body can efficiently use the beneficial components of your supplements. 

Additionally, staying hydrated supports your body's natural detoxification processes, helps regulate body temperature, and maintains cellular function (5). All these factors combined mean that when you're well-hydrated, your body can make the most of the supplements you take, boosting their effectiveness and supporting your overall health.

A container of NativePath Native Hydrate next to a a glass of water with berries.

Hydrate Smarter, Not Harder

Native Hydrate is a zero-sugar electrolyte and BCAA drink mix that combines 14 vitamins and minerals, all 9 essential amino acids, and 2,000 mg of BCAAs into one convenient scoop.

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3. Move Your Body Daily

Your health isn’t just about what you eat, but it's also about how you move.

When you work out, your blood flow increases, which can help to distribute nutrients more efficiently throughout your body (6). This means that vitamins, minerals, and supplements reach the tissues and organs that need them most. 

Exercise speeds up your metabolism and stimulates the production of enzymes that aid in digestion and nutrient absorption, making your body more efficient at absorbing and utilizing nutrients from supplements (7). Staying active also helps maintain a healthy weight, boosts immune function, and reduces inflammation, creating an optimal environment for your body to benefit fully from the supplements you take (8).

Incorporating regular exercise into your routine can amplify the benefits of supplements by improving circulation, metabolism, muscle growth, enzyme activity, weight management, immune function, and reducing inflammation. This combination ensures your body is in the best possible condition to make the most of the supplements you take.

Native Note: Now, you don’t have to be a bodybuilder or run marathons to benefit from exercise; a great place to start is with a walk

4. Prioritize Quality Sleep

Did you know you can actually die from lack of sleep? In fact, if you’re deprived of food and sleep, you would die of sleep deprivation long before you’d die of starvation. During sleep, the brain and body are engaged in a number of activities crucial for life. Sleep is your body’s chance to recharge and rejuvenate.

While we sleep, our bodies:

  • Repair damaged cells and tissues
  • Re-balance hormones and neurotransmitters
  • Reorganize and process events and information from the previous day 

Proper sleep is also crucial for getting the most out of your supplements. When you sleep well, your body goes into repair mode, which enhances the effectiveness of supplements that support muscle recovery and growth, like protein and amino acids (9, 10). During deep sleep, your body also improves the absorption and utilization of vitamins and minerals, ensuring that you get the maximum benefit from them.

Moreover, good sleep helps regulate your metabolism and hormone levels, which are essential for processing and using nutrients effectively (11). This means that supplements aimed at boosting energy, metabolism, or hormonal balance may work better when you're well-rested. 

Additionally, quality sleep strengthens your immune system. In fact, one study found that people who got less than 7 hours of sleep at night were three times more likely to contract the common cold than people who slept at least 8 hours each night (12). This may be why getting enough sleep could make immune-boosting supplements like vitamins C and D more effective (13).

If you have trouble sleeping, check out these 15 tips for a better night’s sleep.

Frontal shot of a container of NativePath Collagen PM on a nightstand next to a lamp that is on.

Get Deeper, More Restorative Sleep

Our Collagen PM Nighttime Peptide Formula uses natural ingredients to help calm your mind & body to promote restful sleep & whole-body recovery.

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5. Spend Some Time in the Sunshine

Getting enough sunshine can enhance the effectiveness of your supplements. Sunlight helps your body produce vitamin D, which is crucial for calcium absorption (14). This means that if you take calcium supplements, your body will use them more efficiently when you have adequate vitamin D from sunlight.

Sunshine also boosts your mood and energy levels by increasing serotonin production (15). This may make supplements aimed at improving mental health or energy, like B vitamins or omega-3 fatty acids, more effective.

Finally, sunlight helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle, which supports quality sleep and makes it easier for your body to utilize various supplements. In essence, regular exposure to sunlight may complement your supplement regimen by improving your body's ability to absorb and use the nutrients they provide.

A frontal shot of a woman in a green shirt holding a bottle and dropper of NativePath Vitamin D3+K2 tincture

Harness the Power of the Sun

Our Vitamin D supplement takes vitamins D3 & K2 with organic MCT oil to support bone, cardiovascular, & immune health while balancing mood & elevating energy.

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Remember, Consistency is Key & Results Take Time

Supplements take time to work, and consistency is key. Unlike medications that might have immediate effects, supplements often need weeks or even months to show noticeable benefits. This is because they work gradually to improve nutrient levels and overall health.

Being consistent with your supplement routine ensures that your body gets a steady supply of the nutrients it needs. Missing doses or taking your supplements irregularly can reduce their effectiveness and slow down the progress you're hoping to achieve. Stick with your routine and give your body time to adjust and benefit from the supplements for the best results.

The Bottom Line

Supplements are great tools to help you reach your health goals, but you need to lay a solid foundation of good health practices first. Eating whole real foods, staying hydrated, exercising, getting quality sleep, and spending time in the sun can help you feel better. Plus, you’ll likely see faster results from your supplements since they aren’t trying so hard to fill those gaps. And remember, results take time!

Kat Kennedy
Article by

Kat Kennedy

Kat Kennedy is the Fitness and Nutrition Editor at NativePath. With a NASM CPT, NCSF CPT, and NCSF Sports Nutrition Certification, she has a passion for giving people the tools they need to feel healthy, strong, and confident.

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    Medical Disclaimer

    This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Chad Walding nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement, or lifestyle program.

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